Gravitational wave astronomy and dark matter really exist?

Monika Sachan LIGO and gravitational wave detector detects the gravitational wave, and this gravitational wave effect helps to find the dark matter’s properties with the help of the Pulsar technique. These are all types of observations taken by gravitational wave astronomy and there is the other type of black hole researchers haven’t yet seen, but […]

LIGO and gravitational wave detector

Monika Sachan LIGO and gravitational wave detectors are both used to detect gravitational waves. LIGO is a large-scale observatory in the USA that detects the cosmic gravitational wave and a change in distance between 1/10,000th width of a proton. Scientists are building the prototype tabletop detector to capture gravitational waves at higher frequencies than LIGO […]

Looking at gravitational waves with the black matter?

Monika Sachan Gravitational waves are an interruption in the curvature of space-time, generated by high masses that propagate waves at the speed of light. It is an invisible ripple of the fabric in space-time was discussed in 1916 by Albert Einstein in published his theory of general relativity which established the modern perspective of gravity […]