Mathematics: From ancient times to modern science has been a complete dimension of everything

Math is the language of advanced science. If you are in quest of math you can probably carve out a mathematical niche in any of the sciences. Mathematics owns the crown as the “Queen of all Sciences” and the reason for being called so is that everything around us relates or is influenced by the subject of mathematics.  All the fundamentals used in physics, chemistry, engineering, management, biology are based upon mathematics.

When looking into your everyday activities, even that contains maths in it. Not only this when you are surfing a website or reading a website page, but there’s also an algorithm in the back-end which uses mathematics in it. Take the example of the appliances that you are using in your daily life, they use physics for working on electricity, the vehicles also use physics and physics is nothing but an application of Mathematics. The concepts of Mathematics are even used to find solutions to complex problems.

Math and science help in describing our whole world and existence. They are everywhere! When people ask about how mathematics has contributed to the various spheres of life, this is really impossible to answer in just a few as the use of mathematics in different fields is just limitless. Mathematics advocates the backbone of Science as it acts as an interface of communion with all scientific occurrences.

The key fields were Mathematics is emerging in a significant way

There have been many new types of research that prove that mathematics is having a great application and is very useful in every other scientific field. Taking the example of the health care sector, it can be observed they have been immensely developed and every day there have new inventions that have made human life much better than ever it was. Let’s have a glance at them:

  • The mathematical sciences are progressively contributing to data-driven decision making in health care.

  • Through statistical models of disease transmission, it has been much easier to get valuable insights about their patterns and pathways.

  • Moreover, the process of health care delivery has been methodically improved with the application of the operational research model.

  • Now, the health care practices have moved to electronic health care records and therefore a large volume of data is easily available that is required for analysis of any medical issues. Continuously new methods are required for new fields of comparative effectiveness research and for that reliance on statistics is the most trustable. Now all these are possible just because of mathematics.

  • In the case of several medical trials, statistics that is one of the branches of mathematics has been a key element. Nowadays the mathematical sciences are involved in drug design and in modeling new ways for drugs to be delivered to tumors. Mathematical sciences are widely used in the biotech industry in modeling the action of drugs, penetrating genomes for genes significant to human disease and discovering new drugs, and understanding how they will act. Looking into the current pandemic situation, mathematics helps to have an analysis of the same.

Now, the next field where the contribution of mathematics can be seen is the business industry. Business, especially finance and marketing, is gradually becoming more dependent on mathematical sciences methods and techniques. Statistical tests, financial time series analysis, assumptions on rational behavior, and maximizing returns are all based on mathematical concepts and techniques.

GPS and navigation systems have been introduced to enhance the effectiveness of a design and to optimize the flow of production. And the base for all this development is mathematics. let’s take an example, when an automobile industry plans for building a car, they make use of mathematics like geometry, to figure out what are the materials to be used and in what proportion. Gravity, physics, and mathematics are used to calculate the air resistance in them.

Not only streamline cars and model traffic flows to use the concepts of mathematics but they are implemented in the latest developments like designing automated vehicle detection. With this progress, it is sure that automated driving will be soon introduced.

A business industry can never survive without marketing and when the applications of mathematics are so widely seen in the business, then how the marketing field will be left untouched. Today’s digital marketing world is based on the “search” industry and the search relies on ideas from mathematics. It is just because of mathematics techniques and science that makes it possible to search the Internet’s vast information.

Graph theory and machine learning are used in the social networking industry. Game theory and discrete mathematics ideas are used in the online advertising industry to price and bid on online ads. The underlying methods behind these ideas are methods from statistics and machine learning to decide how those ads are to be targeted. Not only this, now the marketing industry makes use of statistical and machine learning techniques whenever they need to choose a new location for their business or to target customers. Also in the case of telecommunication mathematics is used for encryption, error detection, and correction.

The other one is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is used to describe machines or computers that impersonate “Cognitive” functions that humans associate with the human mind like “Learning” and “Problem-Solving”. So, when it comes to learning and problem solving, you cannot dispense with Mathematics. Robotics and machine learning are inseparable parts of AI and they use tools like “Logic” or “Artificial Neural Networks”.

Now, the question is from where these tools have been originated??

Yes!! It’s Mathematics


Now robots can do what humans can do. The success of artificial intelligence to such a level in the present time has come from the fact that the robots are programmed magnificently through which they learn and perform the tasks. Also, this learning development is made possible because of the massive data available. So, a big thanks to the mathematical concepts, theories, and approaches, which can be made all this possible.

Some recent searches have also mentioned that Mathematics is also related to health and fitness.

Now when the people are turning towards their fitness and health, the applications of mathematics in this area is also seen like:

  • Basic Mathematical Operations, Logical and Analogical Reasoning are used while workouts and exercising. It’s not just about physical health; it plays an important part in our methodical and systematic behaviors.

  • Many inherited human qualities are cherished and developed by Maths theories, like our problem-solving skills, reasoning power, creativity, and communication. With maths communities across the world have come together and this has allowed living a rich life as a unique people. Ultimately it has helped to keep the mind active and enhance concentration.

Space travel and observations cannot go seamlessly without mathematics. Although the application of maths in such a field is seen from the very days whenever we need to explore the spaces for a search of new things. And exploring it has been still continued. Many of the scientists are still working and they will continue to work on it. For this they have:

  • Maths and science to calculate how to get a person or an object will be sent into space for experimenting and they have to calculate how to get them back down.

  • Math and science both are used to figure out spacesuits and the rocket ship. Pretty much every element of space travel consists of the application of math and science.

  • Not only this, but an environmentalist also figures out about the changes in the environment and atmosphere. In such a field also mathematics is used to figure out the atmosphere from the past, the tipping point in the overall temperature, and the health of the earth. The Nuclear Energy sectors also have a considerable amount of math that is also used in space exploration.

So, it can be affirmed that Logic and reasoning are the things that are supreme over everything else. If a person is in search of an answer then it is the logic, reasoning, and calculation that exactly he needs. The curiosity has motivated a person to question, and mathematics is known to be an extremely enlightening essence of logic, reasoning, and calculation behind that. Mathematics is believed to be a beautiful language that is widely used that brings enlightenment and evidence of the existence of knowledge itself! Computer science, computational science, population genetics, operations research, cryptology, econometrics, theoretical physics, and actuarial science are other fields that may be considered part of mathematical sciences.

It is very hard to take into account the number of areas or fields where the utility of mathematics is there. Still, some of the areas where mathematics is supposed to make imperative development include emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, cell signaling, immunology, ecological issues, modeling animal grouping, and the human brain. It is obvious that, with the view of the ever-increasing complication of real-life applications, the competence to effectively use mathematical thinking, modeling, recreation, control, and optimization will play the role of a foundation for technological and economic development all over the world.



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