Gaurav Kumar INTRODUCTION: Graphene has been a well-known compound since its discovery and has been dubbed the “wonder material.” It is rarefied among material scientists because of its potential. It is a well-known truth that it has better qualities. The hardest substance ever discovered is graphene. Is a material that transfers heat and electricity, and […]

A new approach to information transfer reaches the quantum speed limit

Gaurav Kumar Despite the fact that quantum computers are still a new technology that isn’t ready for widespread usage, researchers have been looking into the theoretical limits that would constrain quantum technologies.  Researchers have revealed that the speed at which quantum information may be transmitted via any quantum device has a limit. Lieb-Robinson boundaries are […]

Quantum Computing- An exploitation of quantum states

Quantum mechanics, a fundamental theory in physics that describes the physical properties of nature on an atomic scale. This theory also has mystical facts which are not possible to observe in day-to-day life physics. Quantum computing is the use of quantum mechanics to solve complex computational problems at a faster speed than classical computers. Quantum […]